2012-04-21 13:46:18 UTC
diff -r b6d5a4df3137 common/content/finder.js
--- a/common/content/finder.js Thu Apr 19 21:45:23 2012 +1000
+++ b/common/content/finder.js Sat Apr 21 22:43:03 2012 +0900
@@ -34,137 +34,6 @@
this._lastSearchBackwards = false; // like "backwards", but for the last search, so if you cancel a search with <esc> this is not set
this._caseSensitive = false; // search string is case sensitive
this._linksOnly = false; // search is limited to link text only
- /* Stolen from toolkit.jar in Firefox, for the time being. The private
- * methods were unstable, and changed. The new version is not remotely
- * compatible with what we do.
- * The following only applies to this object, and may not be
- * necessary, or accurate, but, just in case:
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org viewsource frontend.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (c) 2003
- * by the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Blake Ross <blake at cs.stanford.edu> (Original Author)
- * Masayuki Nakano <masayuki at d-toybox.com>
- * Ben Basson <contact at cusser.net>
- * Jason Barnabe <jason_barnabe at fastmail.fm>
- * Asaf Romano <mano at mozilla.com>
- * Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhgari at gmail.com>
- * Graeme McCutcheon <graememcc_firefox at graeme-online.co.uk>
- */
- this._highlighter = {
- doc: null,
- spans: [],
- search: function (aWord, matchCase) {
- var finder = services.create("find");
- if (matchCase !== undefined)
- self._caseSensitive = matchCase;
- var range;
- while ((range = finder.Find(aWord, this.searchRange, this.startPt, this.endPt)))
- yield range;
- },
- highlightDoc: function highlightDoc(win, aWord) {
- this.doc = content.document; // XXX
- Array.forEach(win.frames, function (frame) this.highlightDoc(frame, aWord), this);
- var doc = win.document;
- if (!doc || !(doc instanceof HTMLDocument))
- return;
- if (!aWord) {
- let elems = this._highlighter.spans;
- for (let i = elems.length; --i >= 0;) {
- let elem = elems[i];
- let docfrag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
- let next = elem.nextSibling;
- let parent = elem.parentNode;
- let child;
- while ((child = elem.firstChild))
- docfrag.appendChild(child);
- parent.removeChild(elem);
- parent.insertBefore(docfrag, next);
- parent.normalize();
- }
- return;
- }
- var baseNode = <span highlight="Search"/>;
- baseNode = util.xmlToDom(baseNode, window.content.document);
- var body = doc.body;
- var count = body.childNodes.length;
- this.searchRange = doc.createRange();
- this.startPt = doc.createRange();
- this.endPt = doc.createRange();
- this.searchRange.setStart(body, 0);
- this.searchRange.setEnd(body, count);
- this.startPt.setStart(body, 0);
- this.startPt.setEnd(body, 0);
- this.endPt.setStart(body, count);
- this.endPt.setEnd(body, count);
- liberator.interrupted = false;
- let n = 0;
- for (let retRange in this.search(aWord, this._caseSensitive)) {
- // Highlight
- var nodeSurround = baseNode.cloneNode(true);
- var node = this.highlight(retRange, nodeSurround);
- this.startPt = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
- this.startPt.setStart(node, node.childNodes.length);
- this.startPt.setEnd(node, node.childNodes.length);
- if (n++ % 20 == 0)
- liberator.threadYield(true);
- if (liberator.interrupted)
- break;
- }
- },
- highlight: function highlight(aRange, aNode) {
- var startContainer = aRange.startContainer;
- var startOffset = aRange.startOffset;
- var endOffset = aRange.endOffset;
- var docfrag = aRange.extractContents();
- var before = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
- var parent = before.parentNode;
- aNode.appendChild(docfrag);
- parent.insertBefore(aNode, before);
- this.spans.push(aNode);
- return aNode;
- },
- /**
- * Clears all search highlighting.
- */
- clear: function () {
- this.spans.forEach(function (span) {
- if (span.parentNode) {
- let el = span.firstChild;
- while (el) {
- span.removeChild(el);
- span.parentNode.insertBefore(el, span);
- el = span.firstChild;
- }
- span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
- }
- });
- this.spans = [];
- },
- isHighlighted: function (doc) this.doc == doc && this.spans.length > 0
- };
// set searchString, searchPattern, caseSensitive, linksOnly
@@ -354,26 +223,20 @@
if (config.name == "Muttator")
- if (this._highlighter.isHighlighted(content.document))
- return;
- if (!str)
- str = this._lastSearchString;
- this._highlighter.highlightDoc(window.content, str);
- // recreate selection since highlightDoc collapses the selection
- if (window.content.getSelection().isCollapsed)
- config.browser.fastFind.findAgain(this._backwards, this._linksOnly);
- // TODO: remove highlighting from non-link matches (HTML - A/AREA with href attribute; XML - Xlink [type="simple"])
+ var findToolbar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar");
+ if (findToolbar) {
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(false);
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(true, str);
+ }
* Clears all search highlighting.
clear: function () {
- this._highlighter.clear();
+ var findToolbar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar");
+ if (findToolbar)
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(false);
}, {
}, {
diff -r b6d5a4df3137 common/content/style.js
--- a/common/content/style.js Thu Apr 19 21:45:23 2012 +1000
+++ b/common/content/style.js Sat Apr 21 22:43:03 2012 +0900
@@ -205,13 +205,6 @@
HelpWarning color: red; font-weight: bold;
- Search,,* {
- font-size: inherit;
- padding: 0;
- color: black;
- background-color: yellow;
- }
--- a/common/content/finder.js Thu Apr 19 21:45:23 2012 +1000
+++ b/common/content/finder.js Sat Apr 21 22:43:03 2012 +0900
@@ -34,137 +34,6 @@
this._lastSearchBackwards = false; // like "backwards", but for the last search, so if you cancel a search with <esc> this is not set
this._caseSensitive = false; // search string is case sensitive
this._linksOnly = false; // search is limited to link text only
- /* Stolen from toolkit.jar in Firefox, for the time being. The private
- * methods were unstable, and changed. The new version is not remotely
- * compatible with what we do.
- * The following only applies to this object, and may not be
- * necessary, or accurate, but, just in case:
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org viewsource frontend.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (c) 2003
- * by the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Blake Ross <blake at cs.stanford.edu> (Original Author)
- * Masayuki Nakano <masayuki at d-toybox.com>
- * Ben Basson <contact at cusser.net>
- * Jason Barnabe <jason_barnabe at fastmail.fm>
- * Asaf Romano <mano at mozilla.com>
- * Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhgari at gmail.com>
- * Graeme McCutcheon <graememcc_firefox at graeme-online.co.uk>
- */
- this._highlighter = {
- doc: null,
- spans: [],
- search: function (aWord, matchCase) {
- var finder = services.create("find");
- if (matchCase !== undefined)
- self._caseSensitive = matchCase;
- var range;
- while ((range = finder.Find(aWord, this.searchRange, this.startPt, this.endPt)))
- yield range;
- },
- highlightDoc: function highlightDoc(win, aWord) {
- this.doc = content.document; // XXX
- Array.forEach(win.frames, function (frame) this.highlightDoc(frame, aWord), this);
- var doc = win.document;
- if (!doc || !(doc instanceof HTMLDocument))
- return;
- if (!aWord) {
- let elems = this._highlighter.spans;
- for (let i = elems.length; --i >= 0;) {
- let elem = elems[i];
- let docfrag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
- let next = elem.nextSibling;
- let parent = elem.parentNode;
- let child;
- while ((child = elem.firstChild))
- docfrag.appendChild(child);
- parent.removeChild(elem);
- parent.insertBefore(docfrag, next);
- parent.normalize();
- }
- return;
- }
- var baseNode = <span highlight="Search"/>;
- baseNode = util.xmlToDom(baseNode, window.content.document);
- var body = doc.body;
- var count = body.childNodes.length;
- this.searchRange = doc.createRange();
- this.startPt = doc.createRange();
- this.endPt = doc.createRange();
- this.searchRange.setStart(body, 0);
- this.searchRange.setEnd(body, count);
- this.startPt.setStart(body, 0);
- this.startPt.setEnd(body, 0);
- this.endPt.setStart(body, count);
- this.endPt.setEnd(body, count);
- liberator.interrupted = false;
- let n = 0;
- for (let retRange in this.search(aWord, this._caseSensitive)) {
- // Highlight
- var nodeSurround = baseNode.cloneNode(true);
- var node = this.highlight(retRange, nodeSurround);
- this.startPt = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
- this.startPt.setStart(node, node.childNodes.length);
- this.startPt.setEnd(node, node.childNodes.length);
- if (n++ % 20 == 0)
- liberator.threadYield(true);
- if (liberator.interrupted)
- break;
- }
- },
- highlight: function highlight(aRange, aNode) {
- var startContainer = aRange.startContainer;
- var startOffset = aRange.startOffset;
- var endOffset = aRange.endOffset;
- var docfrag = aRange.extractContents();
- var before = startContainer.splitText(startOffset);
- var parent = before.parentNode;
- aNode.appendChild(docfrag);
- parent.insertBefore(aNode, before);
- this.spans.push(aNode);
- return aNode;
- },
- /**
- * Clears all search highlighting.
- */
- clear: function () {
- this.spans.forEach(function (span) {
- if (span.parentNode) {
- let el = span.firstChild;
- while (el) {
- span.removeChild(el);
- span.parentNode.insertBefore(el, span);
- el = span.firstChild;
- }
- span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
- }
- });
- this.spans = [];
- },
- isHighlighted: function (doc) this.doc == doc && this.spans.length > 0
- };
// set searchString, searchPattern, caseSensitive, linksOnly
@@ -354,26 +223,20 @@
if (config.name == "Muttator")
- if (this._highlighter.isHighlighted(content.document))
- return;
- if (!str)
- str = this._lastSearchString;
- this._highlighter.highlightDoc(window.content, str);
- // recreate selection since highlightDoc collapses the selection
- if (window.content.getSelection().isCollapsed)
- config.browser.fastFind.findAgain(this._backwards, this._linksOnly);
- // TODO: remove highlighting from non-link matches (HTML - A/AREA with href attribute; XML - Xlink [type="simple"])
+ var findToolbar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar");
+ if (findToolbar) {
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(false);
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(true, str);
+ }
* Clears all search highlighting.
clear: function () {
- this._highlighter.clear();
+ var findToolbar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar");
+ if (findToolbar)
+ findToolbar._highlightDoc(false);
}, {
}, {
diff -r b6d5a4df3137 common/content/style.js
--- a/common/content/style.js Thu Apr 19 21:45:23 2012 +1000
+++ b/common/content/style.js Sat Apr 21 22:43:03 2012 +0900
@@ -205,13 +205,6 @@
HelpWarning color: red; font-weight: bold;
- Search,,* {
- font-size: inherit;
- padding: 0;
- color: black;
- background-color: yellow;
- }